Monday, August 26, 2013

Double Double Datin'

All four of us had never been to Sprinkles Ice Cream. After the first bite, we decided we'd all live a fat and happy life together...
I love these rows of palm trees that line certain streets of Southern California...

I feel like Cor and I struck gold this weekend. Double dates are always fun, but to find another couple where could we all hit it off and become instant best friends is rare. One of my oldest and closest friends, Lizzie, came out from Texas this weekend to visit her boyfriend, Brian. Lizzie, Brian, and I all went to the same high school, and the two of them were high school sweethearts. They recently realized that neither of them had found a love that was stronger or deeper than what the two had shared in high school, and decided to give it another try. They are so cute together, and I couldn't be happier for them and us because that means we get the two of them as friends. 

Needless to say, this weekend was another summer favorite for Cory and I. We ate at the Marina Del Ray food trucks with Lizzie and Brian, then went down to Newport to watch Reese while my parents took Kim to Chicago to start her first year of college. Saturday was spent cruising down the Newport Beach boardwalk, the swings by Newport-El, and Sprinkles Ice Cream with Brian and Lizzie. Oh, and Cor and I drove around Orange County in my dad's convertible, Reese in lap, checking out different homes in the area...tomorrow I'll be posting about that depressing adventure.

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