Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our Two Year

Brunch @ 26 Beach: shared the "go bananas" french toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, and potatoes
Stroll @ Venice Beach Boardwalk: street performances, palm readings, graffiti walls, flower crowns, swings, gelato
Dinner @ Little Next Door: shared the cheese platter and calamari; Cory ordered the shrimp pasta, while I ordered the french onion soup
Late Night Adventure @ LACMA: snapped photos in the Urban Light sculpture
Cory's Favorite Part: breakfast and being a part of a street show
My Favorite Part: breakfast and Cory helping make me a flower crown
Memorable Moment: As I was just about to walk away from a woman's table who was selling jewelry on the Venice Boardwalk, a woman vendor right next to her asked me if I had children. I shook my head "no" as I kept walking past and she said to me, "A child is coming." In shock, I looked at Cor, then looked back at her. As I was walking away she kept nodding and saying, "It's coming." Freaky? Yes. Especially if she ends up being right...

This was one of the hair pins I wore in my hair the day we got married.

Such an amazing day with an amazing man. I'm so grateful to have been married to you for these past two years, and I can't wait to see what the rest of forever has in store for us...particularly, this year ;) Can't wait to see what you plan for us next year...

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