Monday, September 9, 2013

This Weekend Part II: Santa Monica Sunset

The Santa Monica Pier

This one reminds me of Cole with the surfer, his board, and the golden light of the sun.

All last week, I wanted nothing more than to go to the beach to watch the sun go down. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were such clear days, though, that there were no clouds in the sky to make my favorite cotton-candy-pink clouds. Earlier on Saturday, we decided we probably wouldn't make it to the beach because we had gotten up early to start our day and a night in sounded relaxing. It wasn't until I saw the clouds forming in the west, as we were coming home from Chinatown, that I knew we had to go. We went home, changed, packed a picnic, and raced to the beach just in time to see the sunset. It was funny that when everyone was leaving, we were just getting there. I am so glad we decided to go, though, because it was beautiful.

I am beyond grateful to be back in this beautiful state, that I call home, with my love and to have my family so near.

Speaking of family, my grandma and grandpa and aunt and cousin drove up to LA early yesterday morning. Cory and I had been asked to speak in our church sacrament meeting and they came to support us, which I was so grateful for (thanks, you four!). Since I write out every single word I want to say before I give a talk, I thought I would share a portion of it.

As I gazed out on the orange sky with clouds as fluffy and pink as cotton candy, I felt closer not only to Cole, but also to my Savior. I found peace in knowing that He lives; that the world around us is full of His beauty; that if we stop to look for him, whether it is through prayer, faith, or even through the beauty of the earth that He has created, even when life may have us in our darkest moments, we shall find Him, and we shall find His peace...

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