Thursday, June 12, 2014


It's been a really, really long time. Since falling out of the blogosphere, my husband and I have been blessed with a beautiful daughter we named Weslie. As much as I would love to share my pregnancy and birth story in this first post since being back, I have something else on my mind today. The story of my post natal and birth experience will come, but I need to do a little bit of rambling first.

Today, one of my closest friends asked me about what has been the most interesting or surprising part of motherhood. "There are so many things that I could choose from that have struck me about becoming a mom," I answered "but I would have to say the love. I've never felt anything like it before. It consumes me."

Long after our conversation was over, I kept thinking about my answer. Not only do I feel more love for another human being than I ever have before in my love for Weslie, but I feel more love for my husband, for my family, for my friends, for other children, and for mankind altogether. Every moment has become a treasure and is so much brighter than before.

People say that if you become truly selfless and are in the service of others, you then feel true joy. I've never fully understood that until now.
All growing up, kids laugh it off or roll their eyes when their elders tell them to "stop getting so big" or "stop getting older." I get it now. I feel the same way about my little girlie girl. Can't my baby stay this little forever? If I could freeze time, right now, I would. Every second goes by too quickly!

A wise family friend recently wrote:
"The point is that we take for granted so many things - a touch, a smell, a smile, a voice. There is a bigger picture out there. Let's not get caught up in the whole, but instead look at that bigger picture and see/cherish the small things also. When you walk around, look for the small, beautiful things that make up the whole and admire it all."

I couldn't agree more. Time is never on our side, and I feel like forever could never be long enough with my Weslie Girl.

Here are a few small moments that made up first week together:

1 comment:

  1. Whit! You spoke every word I've wanted to since the day Alice was born. Isn't it amazing?? I selfishly thought it wouldn't matter to me to be sealed to my family, but that completely and utterly changed the second I heard that first cry that brought about the first breath! Everything I do in my life will be for her. I will be a better person, a better example, a better everything for my family, and I WILL one day be sealed to them. If its the last thing I do ;) Who knew this love existed? Isn't it funny how all of the sudden this little human consumes your life and you don't remember what it was like without them?? Enjoy your baby girl :) She looks just like her pretty mama!
